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ParaTrip / PsySurfer

Project was born in 2012 in some place in Greece. Music Genre is Dark psychedelic and Experimental/Hi-Tech. Releases include tracks in V.A. - Dance Of Shadows, V.A. Splatter Punk, V.A. - Disturbed Forest, V.A. - Mysteries Of Death and he was creator of the of the V.A. Psycho Asylum (From (A)thens With Hate). Working with JellyFish Frequency Recordings from USA, HORRODELIC from Norway and also with Psycho Asylum from Greece. He has made Versus Tracks with : Aum Sector, ATRIA, Necroillusion, Paranoia Sector, Silent MooN, and CaiN and will do many more in the near future. ParaTrip is an anonymous music riot project.

PsySurFeR is the musical project of Kostas Apostolos. Born In 14/4/92 and residing in the magic country of Greece...After Some Trips In Europe during which he participated actively in music festivals, he started to express all his musical inspiration and decided to be work on music full-time , aiming at the discovery of his real self and his real needs of life. He studied electronic music production in SAE music college and for the past few years he has bean busy with Ableton Live Producing music and DJ-ing.