- Ajna Vitamin
- Atria
- Audiosyntax
- Aum Sync
- Babar Satarva
- Bodhi
- CinderVOMIT
- Darth Nader / Terra Moto
- DJ LeoHawk
- DJ Trione
- Dylalien
- Eitonin
- Farouthere
- Fobi
- Fraktal Face
- JGIII (PKA Sky Anomaly)
- Konvndrvm
- Lackluster
- Lizzart
- Luuli
- Menterama
- Mumukshu
- Naiad Daiad
- Oblium
- ParaTrip / PsySurfer
- Pitchcraft / Mirror Maze / Intention Bubble
- Priapizzm
- Romeodark
- Samyaza
- Shamanuel
- Shinje
- SiShiVa
- Skeptych
- SooSpicey
- Spruce
- The Nommos
- Treebone
- Yata Garasu
- Zamurah
Mumukshu is the composition project of Minneapolis native Jacob Penn. Coming into his music career late Jake has been producing for under two year. On a mission to learn all he can, Jake has discovered far more then he could've bargained for in the EDM scene and is determined to go as far as he can down the rabbit hole.